The Bottle’s Grimoire

The Bottle’s Grimoire The Bottle’s Grimoire When I started to get interested about the wine world I was under eighteen, and like many, I matured my beliefs as a reflex to those I felt expressed by my father and the other people I trusted. The ideas to become your must mature as grapes: everyone needs […]

Il Grimorio delle Bottiglie

Grimorio delle Bottiglie Il  Grimorio delle Bottiglie. Quando ho iniziato ad appassionarmi al mondo del vino avevo meno di  diciotto anni, e come tanti, maturavo le mie convinzioni di riflesso a quelle che sentivo esprimere da mio padre e dalle altre persone di cui mi fidavo. Le idee per diventare tue devono maturare come l’uva: […]

Sorrentino the lava tells.

Sorrentino the lava tells. A story does not come from nothing, a story comes from the stratification of events that are compressed, at a certain point, become a small star that, as a sole purpose, has to shine in the night: this is the story of Sorrentino wines. A story is heart, life, death, memory, […]

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